Sunday, September 30, 2007

Milestone for EverythingHealth

We bloggers love visits. I am amazed that Everythinghealth has had over 10,500 visits since I started tracking in about March! Readers come from all over the globe..Dubai, Ireland, Spain, Australia, Brazil, Canada, UK, China, Indonesia, Denmark, Mexico, Germany, France, Egypt, Italy, Thailand, India, Israel, Hungary, Philippines, and across the U.S. (So sorry if I left your country out.) I am

Colorectal Cancer and Coronary Artery Disease

A landmark study was released in Jama last week that showed a strong correlation between colon cancer and blockage in the coronary (heart) arteries. It is becoming known that colon cancer and Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) have the same environmental risk factors. Diabetes, smoking, hyperlipidemia, sedentary lifestyle, high-fat, low fiber diet and hypertension are significant health hazards

Friday, September 28, 2007

Insurance Profit - Yes There is Blame

Health Affairs had an analysis of why hospital bills are so high and said you could "Blame the Paperwork". Anyone in the health industry could have told you that! The amount of waste and expense in getting the bill paid by the insurance company could cover the uninsured in the U.S.The study, funded by PNC Financial Services Group, contends that about one-third of all healthcare

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Top 10 Prescribed Drugs

Patients are always complaining that they take so many prescription drugs. Most drugs people take are not treatment but are preventing disease and early death. That's why they are taken chronically. (and are such a financial boon for the pharmaceutical industry). The top 10 drugs prescribed by Internists in 2006 are:1. Lipitor (a statin for high used for diabetes too)2.

Gloves for Garbage Pickers

The next time you feel like complaining because you have a crummy boss or benefits are being slashed...think about work conditions in Delhi. This eye opening glimpse of the life of "ragpickers" from the New York Times is enough to silence any whiner."More than 95 percent of New Delhi has no formal system of house-to-house garbage collection, so it falls to the city’s ragpickers, one of India’s

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Cigarette Additives

It drives me crazy that tobacco farmers are subsidized by our government and that tobacco makers have targeted other countries to pick up the slack of decreased cigarette smoking in the United States.The 2007 farm bill was passed in July and continues the 75 year tradition of tobacco subsidies. As the tobacco farmers line up for government handouts, the Wall Street Journal reports:"Nationwide,

Monday, September 24, 2007

More Maasai Health

Our Maasai visitors have left and we feel an emptiness in our home. They were so loving and warm and touch is a huge part of their culture. We really feel blessed to have experienced these wonderful, musical people from Kenya and we hope to visit them there when we can.The Maasai's are a tribe of 350,000 found in Kenya and Tanzania. They are semi nomadic cattle herders and warriors who now live

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Post Secret-again

Its Sunday and for anyone who missed the link to Post Secret website, I wanted to give it again. Each week the secrets change so check back every sunday for the new ones. Some are pretty heartbreaking!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

New FDA Approvals/Medical Updates

Readers of Everythinghealth like to be on the cutting edge so here are so here are some new Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approvals.Home-Based Fertility Screening: The first at-home fertility screening test for men and women enables couples to assess fertility earlier. the screening kit includes male (motile sperm) and female (follicle-stimulating hormone) tests proved 95% accurate. It is

Friday, September 21, 2007

Stop the Clash of Civilizations

No explanation needed. The film is the blog!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Maasai Medicine

The next best thing to travel and experiencing something new, is to have travelers come to you. I have been fortunate to be able to host a Maasai Cultural Dance troupe in my home this week as they perform in my town. Their mission is to uplift the villagers in Kenya, Africa by selling their beads and art and earning money that they take back home. That money is used for education and a better

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Hospitalist - What the heck is that?

The average American doesn't know that a revolution has occurred in medicine and there is a new type of doctor called a "Hospitalist". It is the fastest growing branch of medicine and there are 20,000 doctors today that practice only hospital medicine. Most hospitals in America employ Hospitalists and if you are admitted to a hospital, it is likely that he/she will be your main attending

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Guest Post-Hangovers 101

Hey, Everythinghealth readers! Check out the blog Med-Friendly. I wrote a guest post on "Hangovers 101" that is there for the reading.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Five Must Do's For a Sick Loved One

When a loved one is sick, we often feel totally helpless and caught up in the medical world. If people only knew how important their role as caregiver really is. Credit goes to Elizabeth Cohen, CNN, for these wonderful tips on how to fight for and protect a sick loved one.Don't be afraid to intervene: If you see something going on that strikes you as wrong, say so. A medication that you've

Monday, September 10, 2007

Primary Care Doomed - what does it take to get paid?

Most primary care doctors are running a small "mom and pop" business and any business will fail if payment is not received. A review of "ageing reports" (accounts receivable) can be eye opening for the doctor. Thirty-60-90 days past due can be a financial disaster. But what about bills that are not paid for over a year? It is not uncommon for active patients who get prompt return phone calls,

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Katrina Nursing Home Owners Aquited

Justice was served when the jury acquitted the operators of St. Rita's nursing home in New Orleans, on 35 counts of negligent homicide and 24 counts of cruelty to the infirm today. The Manganos, age 64 and 67 have run that home for 20 years and have been through many hurricanes. Katrina was different. The water surge and levee break caused water to rapidly rise and evacuation of all the bed

Thursday, September 6, 2007

ADHD and Food Additives

Parents around the world can now say "See, I told you so!" A study released in Lancet and reported in the New York Times has shown a possible link between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and common food additives.This was a well run study that focused on a number of food colorings and the food preservative "sodium benzoate", that are found in many foods. Children

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Why Are Americans So Fat?

In just one year, a new study shows, obesity rates have shot up across the country.Why are Americans so fat? Here are my reasons...feel free to add your own.22% of Americans did not do any physical activity in the past month.Our government subsidizes high fructose corn syrup. It is cheap and in everything!No one cooks anymore. Fast food is fat food.Kids have too many choices. (remember when mom

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Plain Soap Kills Germs as Well as Antibacterial Soap

I was surprised at the results from researchers at University of Michigan School of Public Health that found the effectiveness of plain ole' soap is as good as antibacterial products at killing bacteria.Soaps, detergents and other "antibacterial" products that contained triclosan were no better than plain soap for preventing infections. Washing your hands is very important for preventing the