If you’ve been watching TVand paying attention, both of the best selling and most advertised drugs for sleep problems (Lunestra and Ambien) have been causing serious problems for some users.
If you really listen to their TV ads, (and all drug advertising ads) you’ll learn that both have various (and dangerous) side effects. As with all drug ads, a “spin” of the facts is done so as to make them seem pretty harmless, but if you listen carefully, these are actually pretty dangerous drugs, not “safe” for many people. Who wants to drive a car while asleep? (The clever “spin” in these ads does fool most people.)
Insomnia affects many thousands of persons. It is often a component of depression, and/or other “brain problems”, such as ADD/ADHD. It was recently estimated that up to 25% of teenagers are not getting sufficient sleep. Many of these are also having attention problems in school as well, even if not diagnosed as ADD or ADHD.
24 million prescriptions were filled for insomnia last year according to Nightly News of NBC. This is a 2 billion dollar business.
Up to now, there have been three alternatives for sleep problems:
1. Suffer with it.
2. See a doctor and get a prescription with possibly dangerous side-effects.
3. Spend large amounts of money on EEG biofeedback (AKA neurofeedback).
Because of the cost of EEG BF, the only real alternative for most families has been prescription drugs. This is the same situation that applies to most “brain problems” - including depression, insomnia, ADD/ADHD and many others.
Now, there’s an inexpensive alternative that actually does the same thing that EEG BF does - namely raise one brain wave, and lower another. Most people don’t know what EEG BF does, and most of the people getting rich using it don’t want you to know the facts and how simple it really is.
There are thousands of audio signals that are actually generated as the brain goes abut its business. Some have compared it to a “Symphony in the brain”. These signals are extremely weak, on the order of a few millionths of a volt. As the ability of electronics grew over the last century, it became possible to actually amplify these signals, and to even see and hear them.
Of course, if you just put them on a speaker, it’s a cacophony of noise without rhyme or reason. However, as electronic filters were developed, it became possible to filter out all except a narrow band. These were classified by early experimenters into several bands, and partially classified as to what each “band” was doing. It was an attempt to “read minds”, but, of course, it didn’t succeed.
In 1969, a Dr Sterman found that by raising a small band of waves just above the Alpha brain wave some strange effects were noticed. Later this small band (12-14 Hz (cycles per second) was re-named SMR (Sensory Motor Response) because the “usual” sensor location on the head was over this brain area.
Sterman and many after him found that if the amplitude of SMR was raised, several important effects were noticed. In particular, cats that died from exposure to hydrazine (anaphylaxis) normally didn’t die after being trained to raise SMR. Other experimenters found with biofeedback training, most other “brain problems” of ADD, ADHD, depression, insomnia, and many others either lessened or were solved!
This was an important clue, because the cats died from anaphylactic shock - that is severe allergy response (well known to people who are highly allergic to things like peanuts, bee stings, etc) When I first found out about EEG BF, I theorized that raising SMR somehow changes the brain affect from allergens. As an Orthomolecular Psychologist, I was very aware that allergy/sensitivity can cause any and all of the “brain problems” such as ADD/ADHD, Depression, Insomnia, and many others, even Schizophrenia.
In 2000, I started a company devoted to lowering the cost of EEG BF so that mid and non-rich families would have an alternate to Ritalin and the rest of those very dangerous drugs. (Again, the cost of “clinical” EEG BF runs upwards of 4000-10,000 dollars.)
In 2004, I suddenly realized that it should be possible to use subliminal messaging techniques to raise the SMR. I set up a volunteer program, and the results showed clearly that both my theories were probable at least.
1. Raising SMR does change the brain affect from allergens.
2. Subliminal Messaging does work to raise the SMR brain waves.
In other tests from that point with several volunteer tests from 2004 up to the present, with over 150 volunteers, these two theories have been expanded and proven over and over to be correct. We now have CD’s that not only raise the SMR brain wave, but also lower Theta, and/or increase brain blood flow. (NASA found that lowering Theta definitely raises “attention” or concentration. However, it also seem to lower creative or artistic abilities. This is why we offer a CD Package that raises SMR, and blood brain flow, but does not lower Theta for those without “attention” deficit problems.
To use it is simplicity itself. Simply place a special CD player near the bedside, and turn on every night. For insomnia and sleep apnea problems, most have found that after 2-3 weeks of play, their sleep problems are solved for good. Others keep using the CD every night, as they like the overlay audio keeping out exterior noises, and with further use, it seems that other allergic problems are solved for many.
It’s important to realize that in all three original tests (using over 100 volunteers), there were NO failures with Insomnia! Over a dozen insomniacs - some who had not even listed insomnia on their input data sheets completely solved this particular problem. Other testimonials from recent users confirm this as well.
Depression has been always alleviated, and the ADHD cases all improved in about the same success rate as they would with EEG BF (neurofeedback). At the present time, we do not have good data on schizophrenia, or anaphylactic shock, however, based on similarity to results to date compared to EEG BF, we expect that this would be similar.
by: Phil Bate PhD