Sufferers of peptic ulcers know that they are no laughing matter. These ulcers in the stomach and duodenum can come on no matter what age you are and they affect both genders. If they aren’t treated, the sufferer will go through a prolonged battle with them.
Fortunately, peptic ulcers are more manageable today than they were for people in previous generations. Very rarely is surgery required and new and improved medications act quickly and offer more relief than ever before.
The signs of a peptic ulcer are generally a constant discomfort in the abdomen, usually between meals or during the night. Some temporary relief can be gained by drinking milk or taking an antacid. However, because milk stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid, it may not be in your best interests to use this as a remedy unless there is no other alternative as this acid intensifies the pain.
Before taking antacids, you should see your doctor, particularly if you are taking othr medications. Antacids can interfere with the absorption of some medications and may make them less effective because they are made from aluminum, calcium, or magnesium. The doctor may also be able to suggest a more effective remedy than antacids.
Whatever you do, you must heed the warning signs of an ulcer. Complications can be serious and life threatening. If ulcer pains continue for more than two weeks or returns after a period of treatment, you should consult your doctor immediately. If there is blod in your bowel movements, it may be the sign of a bleeding ulcer although it can be caused by other problems as well.
A bleeding ulcer can expand and create a leak in a major blood vessel. If a hemorrhage occurs, you only have minutes in which to have life saving treatment. Bleeding ulcers can also cause anemia or may perforate, completely eroding the stomach or duodenum wall. This causes the contents of the stomach to flow into the abdominal cavity, resulting in severe infection. A perforated ulcer requires immediate surgery and is an emergency.
Researchers believe that, if you are a smoker, you are twice as likely to develop an ulcer. Smokers also tend to heal much more slowly and have a higher rate of relapse.
Another group of people at high risk of developing ulcers is those who take aspirin and aspirin based medications. This includes the pain killers that are commonly used to relieve the pain and inflammation of arthritis. These medications tend to irritate the lining of the stomach and can cause bleeding of the gastrointestinal organs.
There are a number of things that are known precursors of the ulcer. These include smoking, spicy foods, alcohol, and stress. It is also believed that it may be caused by a combination of conditions. Research continues into this in the hope that one day, the dynamics of this will be fully understood.
by: Anne Wolski