Breast milk is naturally the most perfect food for your baby. Although it takes time learning how to breastfeed, you will be rewarded if you are persistent. However, it is a fact that some woman simply cannot breastfeed due to medical conditions or the baby not latching on for one reason or another, so don’t be disheartened if you can’t.
When you are breastfeeding, your baby’s mouth should be covering the entire areola; sucking just the nipples will make your nipples sore and your baby will not get sufficient milk. This is one of the most common problems but also the easiest problem to fix that many woman have.
Another reason why woman give up on breastfeeding is pain. Although your nipples might very well scab and crack, this is very normal. Quite often, your nipples will actually bleed. This should cause no alarm because this is fairly common as well. There are many products that are actually made specifically for this reason. Lanolin works remarkably well to repair cracked or sore nipples, which in turn relieves the pain.
In order to ensure your baby grows healthy and strong you will have to take special precautions with what you consume. Medications can pass through your breastmilk as can alcohol and drugs. Always consult your doctor prior to taking any medication and drink alcohol in moderation – none is best. It is better to be safe. Being conscious about your health will have positive effects on your baby as its immune system develops.
When your baby is small, he is totally dependent on you for everything. Breastfeeding is one of those times when you are providing your baby with a necessity as well as sharing a bond that no one else can replace. Enjoy these moments now, as they become far too quickly, memories.
by: Katherine Nagy