Causes of Hepatitis C:
Passing on of Hepatitis C from the mother to the baby, there is a possibility of the infection been passed on from the mother who suffers from Hepatitis C to be passed on to the newborn, but in this case the chances are very few. Sharing of razors, toothbrushes and scissors: there are chances of hepatitis C being transferred by the sharing of these things and also unsterilized body piercing or tattooing equipment.
In case you have received any blood donated before the September of the year 1991 as the blood which was donated at that time was hepatitis C positive and people have been diagnosed by hepatitis C.
Hepatitis C can also be transmitted through bodily fluids. This is possible in case of sexual intercourse, the risk in this case is perpetual, in case you fear that either of you could be diagnosed by hepatitis C it is advisable to get it verified. There are chances of hepatitis C being positive in case you get punctured accidentally by a needle. Abroad blood transfusions are common, in case the equipment is not well sterilized well; there are chances of hepatitis C being transferred. But hepatitis C is not transmitted by coming in contact with people, like by kissing, sharing of utensils, hugging and from toilet seats.
Symptoms of Hepatitis C:
Commonly people are not affected by the disease initially. There are chances that symptoms like flu, pain in the joints, fatigue, appetite going down and also vomiting sensation may be experienced, all this after about a week of being infected. In about one out of five cases that are diagnosed with hepatitis C, the immune system would resolve the virus from the system in about six months.
However, in some cases of chronic hepatitis C, the virus is active for many years; and even then there are no indications for years together. Although there are no symptoms, the virus can be transmitted by them to others. In a few cases the liver of the sufferer is not affected and he or she is living a normal life. But in chronic cases, there is damage to the liver and the symptoms are, tiredness, loss of weight, liver pain, aching muscles, nausea and jaundice in which the skin and the white part of the eye turns yellow in color.
Treatments of Hepatitis C:
There is no vaccine made till date in order to help you stay against or even recover from hepatitis C. But there are treatments which help in clearing the virus. The treatment for hepatitis C is an amalgamation of two drugs, ribavirin and interferon. In case the treatment doesn't clean up the virus, it at least slows down the damage and inflammation in the liver. The medications which are given for hepatitis C cause a lot of side effects.
by: James S. Pendergraft