Adult acne, affecting approximately 25% of men and 50% of women, 25-40 years old, is hardly rare. In fact dermatologists are reporting more cases at present than were seen in previous decades. Just as challenging to treat as at any age, and more apt to scar, "mature" conditions can be even more frustrating to cure. At the time of life when you thought you had outgrown skin problems, you're searching for successful treatment. Your hard work to live well, may be taking its toll on your lifestyle and wellness.
It's pretty much agreed by all that your outbreaks are the result of a chain reaction. The secretion of excess oil, along with dead skin cells, becomes trapped in your skin's pores. Bacteria breeds in this environment, infection follows and you note the symptoms of adult acne. Areas affected may be more widespread than most teenage cases. Adults will often note outbreaks on the neck, shoulders, back or chest in contrast to the facial conditions more common in teenagers.
The search for causes that trigger an outbreak is what keeps researchers busy. Causes not only vary, but vary in their reactions from person to person. Hormonal changes are thought to be a key factor, occurring in both males and females. Male hormones, or androgens, present also in females, trigger the oil producing process by the sebaceous glands. Thus the chain reaction begins.
Some causes may be:
• Environmental such as exposure to certain chemicals, oils, etc.
• Certain types of cosmetics
• Diet deficiencies
• Stress
• Anabolic steroids, bulking and weight gaining preparations
• Medications such as hormones, anticonvulsants, psychotropics, etc.
• Prescriptions containing iodine or lithium
• Anti-epileptic drugs
• Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
• Heredity/genetics
Adult acne treatment as you can see may be a process of elimination. Any one of the above and more can be the cause, or one part of the cause, of your condition. Often the "cause" is a combination of issues that make up your lifestyle, rather than any one contributor. The simple basics that you can do will still apply though. Gently wash the affected areas to rid your skin of excess oils using mild soaps or cleansers. Be careful not to irritate or over-dry.
A careful lifestyle review may be the first place to start. Take an honest look at how healthy you are living. A serious attempt at healing and prevention will require a serious examination. Modern life, with all its stress, is known to take a heavy toll on the mind and body. Stress not only affects hormones, it also suppresses the immune system in the epidermis of your skin. Stress may be inevitable but stress is also controllable. Seek out some stress reducing methods, exercises, or even a relaxing hobby.
The facts presented here are for informational purposes only, so consult with your doctor or dermatologist. You're not odd. With the increased awareness in more adults of health and wellness issues, comes an increased seeking of treatment. To delay is to risk an increase in severity and possible scarring. Mature skin by nature is more apt to scar.
In addition to the possible physical damage, there is also the emotional, such as loss of confidence and withdrawal. Adult acne is common, and it is treatable. You owe it to yourself for health of body and peace of mind to seek help and advice.
by: Gerrald Hendrix