The benefits of cod liver oil are due to the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids in the nutrient rich oil. It contains more Vitamin A and D per Unit Weight than any other food. The cod is a tasty fish with low level of fat and mild flavour. On the top of it, the fatty acids and vitamins present in it make it a perfect nutritional food.
How Cod Liver Oil Differs from Typical Fish Oils
Normally, fish oil is extracted by cooking the whole body of the fish. But, cod liver oil is prepared by cooking the liver of the cod fish and then by pressing it to extract the oil that has multiple health benefits. The oil is much healthier to human body than other oils because of the healthier element that it contains.
Let’s discuss about some of the benefits of Cod liver oil.
Prevents Heart Diseases
Cod liver oil has positive effects on the heart functions. It prevents the heart diseases and often treats the problems even in the advanced stage. The Omega-3 fatty acids present in the oil have healing effect. The combination of vitamin A,D and K along with fatty acids work to support elasticity of the blood vessels, enhance muscle functions and assist mineral absorption. According to a study it has been found that cod liver oil can reduce the size of the artery-blocking atheromas.
Contributes to the Brain Health
Omega-3 is an essential factor that enhances memory, immune response, stress response, brain function, allergy, asthma, behavioural disorder and learning. Cod liver oil, a rich source of elongated Omega-3 fatty acids, helps all the above functions. The oil is also effective in treating manic-depression and bipolar syndrome.
Strengthens the Bone
As it has been proved that cod liver oil is a rich source of vitamin D it is used as a preventive and remedy for rickets in children. Cod liver contributes to the bone health and helps in treating osteomalacia in adults. Adult women require larger amount of vitamin D to boost the bone mineral density and it can be found easily in the Cod liver oil. The high volume of elongated Omega-3 fatty acids present in Cod liver oil rebuilds the bone and maintains the bone health. Lack of vitamin D causes muscles pain and bone pain. Cod liver oil is rich in vitamin D and helps to reduce this problem. Cod liver oil is also an effective remedy for arthritis.
Effective for Pregnant Women and Infants
Pregnant women consuming cod liver oil gift their babies with low risk of type 1 diabetes. Cod liver oil enhances the level of vitamin A to check infection and fatty acids to support brain development.
Cod liver oil is effective in treating diabetes, blood pressure and some of the stress related diseases.
There are some drawbacks of taking cod liver oil. The contaminant such as pesticides and mercury present in the fish are harmful for our body. However, the fish oil extracted from the flesh of the fish is less harmful than the oil extracted from liver.
Cod liver oil is an essential dietary supplement, but make sure that you take it in correct dosage consulting your doctor.
by: John Robinson