A healthy Labrador Retriever will normally defecate firm stools once or twice a day. However, if your Labrador Retriever passes semi-solid or liquid stools more often than usual, then he is probably suffering from canine diarrhea. Diarrhea is common in Labrador Retrievers because of their hearty appetites. They tend to eat anything, digestible and non-food objects alike, especially if their owners are not looking. With immediate attention and proper care, diarrhea caused by ingesting foreign objects can be treated within a day or two.
Diarrhea has many other causes aside from eating unsuitable objects. It can be caused by intestinal viruses, stomach viruses or intestinal parasites. Problems within the digestive tract such as ulcers, cancer, food allergies and toxins can trigger diarrhea. Health problems not related to digestive tract can also trigger diarrhea. Some of these health problems are liver disease, kidney disease, Addison's disease and anxiety. Always remember that diarrhea is not a disease, but is a symptom of various diseases. It maybe just a symptom but may become life threatening if not treated immediately.
For simple cases of diarrhea in your Labrador Retriever, home treatment is enough. Provide plenty of fresh water or oral rehydration fluids to drink provided he is not vomiting. You can also try giving him an ice cube or two every four hours to help him not drink so much water. It is also advisable to put him on fast for 24 hours to rest his irritated tract and feed him only if he appears better after a day. You can start feeding him with small amounts of bland diet every four hours. If your Labrador Retriever appears better after bland diet and small amounts of food, you can gradually return to his regular diet.
Severe cases of diarrhea, if it persists more than 24 hours, if there is any blood and if accompanied with vomiting, immediate veterinary care is needed to prevent your dog from dehydration. If there is blood in his vomitus or stool, if he has fever and if it persists for more than one to two days, it could be sign of infection or other diseases. Visit your vet immediately for medication. He will usually recommend drink with electrolytes and dietary supplements such as probiotics for it has beneficial bacteria helpful in restoring the health of the dog's intestinal tract. Serious cases of diarrhea due to infection or inflammation of the intestine may require antibiotics.
by: Richard Cussons